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For this to become possible we introduced one of the Projects: - " If That Street Were Mine " - that will be maintained by an OSCIP - Organization of the Civil Society of Public Interest, that will be created in each municipal district.

One of the main activities of those Organizations, of addition importance, will be to organize funds through campaigns and agreements with public organs, initiative and donations from people, for the teachers' and the policemen. We would have liked these teachers and policemen to have been better qualified.

In the same way that we spoke in bio-diversity when we referred to the natural physical environment, also, we can speak in " partner-diversity ", to characterize the social way. (Program of Environmental Education the Distance - MMA, blue volume.

Coming like this to the encounter of the 6 themes the Calendar 21 Brazilian: Regional Integration - Administration of Natural Resources - Maintainable Agriculture - Maintainable City - Reduction of the Inequalities - Science and Technology for the Maintainable Development.

(Find out more about OSCIP)

State of Santa Catarina
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