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To sponsor the Congress is to embrace a cause that has been causing great interest in world organizations: the preservation of the environment.

Support the Congress is to associate your trademark, a cause very discussed these days: maintainable development.

This is an organized program to give visibility to the sponsors that has a vision of the future. Therefore, to invest in this Project is to invest in a close future, because the Congress will have continuity with practical and profitable actions.

"The larger the number of markets that your trademark is present the smaller the risk is ". (Eduardo Tomya - Interbrand)

Increasing the motivation for the communities to be voluntarily involved in the education programs and environmental preservation, but our proposal is that everyone should gain with the environmental preservation.

Therefore, environmental preservation should be synonymous with the source of income for small and big investments and enterprises. The pioneers of this project have pursued that idea eagerly for more than four years, and the Minister of the environment of Brazil, José Carlos Carvalho recently agreed:

The protection of the environment should be a strategy of businesses and not a demand to be accomplished by being a law ".

The Congress seeks to create the Tourist Corridor along the Prata Basin. That initiative tends to recover the environment in the short, medium and long period, generating income and development to all of the riverside populations.

State of Santa Catarina
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