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Route 1 - Proposal

Laguna, Capivari of Bass, Tubarao, Gravatal, Braço do North, São Ludgero, Orleans, Lauro Müller, Guatá, Bom Jardim do Serra, São Joaquim, by road visiting the attractions of each municipal district for the river Tubarão. Then going up Rio Pelotas until Rio Canoas, going by Celso Ramos, Anita Garibaldi, Abdon Batista, Vargem, São José of Cerrito, Ponte Alta, Otacílio Costa and Urubici, returning to Laguna, through Florianópolis, by road transports and vice-versa.
Passage 2 - Proposal

Smaller Routes
Taubaté - SP to São João da Barra - RJ, through South Rio Paraíba -RJ. Curitiba to Iguaçu Falls, through Rio Iguaçu. Ponta Grossa - PR and Iguape SP, through Rio Ribeira of Iguape. Registro.
Route 3 - Proposal
Complex Lagunar: connection with the Imarui Lagoon - SC with the Lagoa Mirim - RS, traveling through the following lagoons: Santa Maria, South Garopaba, Caverá, ,Sombrio Itapeva, Pinguela, of Barros, Fortaleza, Cidreira,Porteira, Capivari, Guaíba and Lagoa dos Patos . Arriving at River Guaíba.

State of Santa Catarina
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